Amazon Services China
亚马逊商城网络服务(亚马逊 MWS)文档

Deprecation Notice:

Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS) will no longer be available after March 31, 2024. All MWS developers must migrate to Selling Partner API (SP-API) to avoid service disruptions. Refer to the Migration Hub for more information.

亚马逊 MWS 文档


Returns financial event groups for a given date range.


The ListFinancialEventGroups operation returns a list of financial event groups opened during a time frame specified by the FinancialEventGroupStartedAfter or the FinancialEventGroupStartedBefore request parameters.


This operation has a maximum request quota of 30 and a restore rate of one request every two seconds. For definitions of throttling terminology and for a complete explanation of throttling, see 限制:针对提交请求频率的限制 in the 亚马逊MWS开发者指南.

Request parameters

For more information about the request parameters that are required for all 亚马逊MWS operations, see 必需的请求参数 in the 亚马逊MWS开发者指南.

Name Description Required Valid values
MaxResultsPerPage The maximum number of results to return per page. No Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Default: 100


FinancialEventGroupStartedAfter A date used for selecting financial event groups that opened after (or at) a specified time. Yes Any valid date no later than two minutes before the request was submitted, in ISO 8601 format.


FinancialEventGroupStartedBefore A date used for selecting financial event groups that opened before (but not at) a specified time. No Any valid date later than FinancialEventGroupStartedAfter and no later than two minutes before the request was submitted, in ISO 8601 format.

Default: Now minus two minutes


Response elements

Name Description
NextToken A generated string used to pass information to your next request. If NextToken is returned, pass the value of NextToken to ListFinancialEventGroupsByNextToken. If NextToken is not returned, there are no more financial event groups to return.



FinancialEventGroupList Contains the financial event groups that meet the criteria specified in the request.

Type: List of FinancialEventGroup


Example query request

POST /Finances/2015-05-01 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: <Your User Agent Header>


Example response

<?xml version="1.0"?>