End User Data Report Terms and Conditions

These service terms (the " Service Terms") govern the access to and use of the End User Data Report (END_USER_DATA_REPORT) by Authorised Users and Developers, through the Amazon Services API. These Service Terms form part of the Relevant Agreements. Unless specifically provided otherwise, these Service Terms concern and apply only to access to and use of the End User Data Report through the Amazon Services API.

All capitalised terms defined in these Service Terms apply only to these Service Terms. Capitalised terms used in these Service Terms that are not defined in these Service Terms have the respective meanings set forth in the Relevant Agreements. In the event of a conflict between these Service Terms and any terms included in the Relevant Agreements, these Service Terms shall take priority. 

  1.         You may access and use data available in the End User Data Report ("Report Data") through the Amazon Services API for a Legitimate Business Purpose, and only         where:

      (i) you are Eligible; and

      (ii) your access and/or use of the Report Data is (a) compliant with these Service Terms and (b) compliant with the Relevant Agreements, except as modified by these Service Terms or to comply with applicable law. 

    1. You also may not aggregate, repackage or otherwise combine the Report Data of more than one Authorised User.

    1. You may not, without the permission of the Authorised User disclose Report Data, or analysis of Report Data, relating to one Authorised User to another Authorised User.

    1. If you are an Authorised User, you may not access or use Report Data in a manner that is inaccurate or deliberately misleading to Amazon users.

    1. If you are a Developer, you may not access or use Report Data in a manner that is inaccurate or deliberately misleading to Authorised Users. Except for the fees that you charge for the provision of your Services, you may not charge any fees for access and/or use of Report Data or for any information, functionality or services associated with the Report Data.

    1. We may suspend your access to Report Data via the Amazon Services API if we determine that: (i) you are not Eligible; (ii) you have materially breached these Service Terms and failed to cure such breach within 7 days of a written notice from Amazon, unless your breach exposes us to liability towards a third party, in which case we are entitled to reduce or waive the aforementioned cure period at our reasonable discretion; (iii) your account has been used, or our controls identify that your account may be used for deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity associated with the Amazon Services API or Report Data; or (iv) your use of the Amazon Services API or Report Data has harmed, or our controls identify that it may harm third parties, including Amazon customers or other selling partners. 

    1. If you suspect that an Authorised User or Developer who has access to Report Data may be using Report Data for deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity, you must: (i) alert us as soon as reasonably possible; and (ii) cease providing Services to or with that Authorised User or Developer.

    1. You agree that Amazon may monitor your Services to confirm your compliance with these Service Terms. Upon request, we will be permitted to audit your Services and you will provide us access to any Report Data you process, store, modify, access or provide as part of your Services. 


       "Amazon Store" means all of Amazon's existing and future online stores in the territory of the EEA, currently available at www.amazon.de, www.amazon.fr, www.amazon.es, www.amazon.it, www.amazon.nl, www.amazon.se, www.amazon.pl, and www.amazon.com.be;

      "Eligible" means you are either: 

      (i) an Authorised User who is eligible to sell in an Amazon Store, whose access to the Amazon Services API has not been suspended, terminated or otherwise stopped by Amazon for breach of the Relevant Agreements or applicable law; or 

      (ii) Developer, who has: (a) been authorised by an Authorised User to access and use Report Data on behalf of such Authorised User; and (b) successfully completed Developer Registration, that is authorised to provide Services, is in compliance with their obligations under the Relevant Agreements, as modified by these Service Terms, and is in compliance with applicable law. 

      "Legitimate Business Purpose" means for the purpose of legitimately building, managing and growing a business providing or related to the Services either through an Amazon Store or elsewhere;

      "Relevant Agreements" means the agreements relating to the Amazon Services APIs including, but not limited to, the Business Solutions Agreement, the Services API Developer Agreement, the Acceptable Use Policy, and the Data Protection Policy; and

      "Services" means the services provided by an Authorised User to Amazon customers through an Amazon Store, or services provided by Developers to an Authorised User.