Amazon Services
Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) Documentation

Deprecation Notice:

Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS) will no longer be available after March 31, 2024. All MWS developers must migrate to Selling Partner API (SP-API) to avoid service disruptions. Refer to the Migration Hub for more information.

Amazon MWS Documentation

What you should know about Amazon MWS push notifications

The Amazon MWS push notifications enable you to receive information that is relevant to your business with Amazon without having to poll the Amazon MWS service. Instead, the information is sent directly to you when an event occurs to which you are subscribed. For more information about how to subscribe to receive notifications, see Subscriptions Overview in the Amazon MWS Subscriptions API section reference.

The following table describes the Amazon MWS push notifications:

Operation Description Availability

XSD: AnyOfferChangedNotification.xsd

The AnyOfferChanged notification is sent whenever there is a listing change for any of the top 20 offers, by condition (new or used), or if the external price (the price from other retailers) changes for an item that you sell. The top 20 offers are determined by the landed price, which is the price plus shipping minus Amazon Points. If multiple sellers are charging the same landed price, the results will be returned in random order.

You will only receive AnyOfferChanged notifications for items for which you have active offers. You cannot subscribe to notifications for items for which you do not have active offers.

All marketplaces.

XSD: FeedProcessingFinishedNotification.xsd

The FeedProcessingFinished notification is sent whenever any feed that you have submitted using the Feeds API section reaches a feed processing status of DONE or CANCELLED. All marketplaces.

XSD: FeePromotionNotification.xsd

Sellers using Amazon MWS can benefit from time-limited fee promotions. To receive notification of available fee promotions, sellers must subscribe to FeePromotion notification. When the seller initially signs up for the subscription and isEnabled is set to true, the seller receives all currently active promotions. Each promotion is sent as a single message. Subsequent promotion notifications are sent when the promotion becomes active. All marketplaces.

XSD: FBAOutboundShipmentStatusNotification.xsd

The FBAOutboundShipmentStatus notification is sent whenever Amazon creates or cancels a Fulfillment by Amazon shipment for a seller.

All marketplaces except Brazil and China.

XSD: FulfillmentOrderStatusNotification.xsd

The FulfillmentOrderStatus notification is sent whenever there is a change in the status of a Multi-Channel Fulfillment fulfillment order. See FulfillmentOrderStatus for the events that can trigger a status change.

All marketplaces.

XSD: ReportProcessingFinishedNotification.xsd

The ReportProcessingFinished notification is sent whenever any report that you have requested using the Reports API section reaches a report processing status of DONE, CANCELLED, or DONE_NO_DATA. All marketplaces.

XSD: MWSPushNotification.xsd

Defines the basic structure of the notification. Each Notification element contains a notification (in the NotificationPayload child element) and information about the notification (in the NotificationMetaData child element).

Note: If you are using this schema for runtime validation, future additions to the NotificationPayload element will invalidate the existing version of the schema, without prior notice.

The contents of the NotificationPayload child element will vary depending on which notification you have subscribed to. Each notification is described by its own XSD.

All marketplaces.

XSD: MWSPushNotificationCommon.xsd

Contains common types that are used by all notifications that are contained in the NotificationPayload element. All marketplaces.

XSD: TestNotification.xsd

Describes the contents of the NotificationPayload element for a test notification sent by using the SendTestNotificationToDestination operation. All marketplaces.