Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS) will no longer be available after March 31, 2024. All MWS developers must migrate to Selling Partner API (SP-API) to avoid service disruptions. Refer to the Migration Hub for more information.
If you make a request to Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) that generates more response elements than the maximum number of response elements that can be returned per page, you can submit NextToken with a "ByNextToken" operation to request additional pages. NextToken works slightly differently for the various Amazon MWS API sections.
If the HasNext response element returns false, there are no more response elements to return. Task is complete.
If the HasNext response element returns true, there are more response elements to return. Continue to Step 2.
If the HasNext response element returns false, there are no more response elements to return. Task is complete.
If the HasNext response element returns true, there are more response elements to return. Continue to Step 3.
If the MoreResultsAvailable response element returns false, there are no more response elements currently available. However, more results might be available in the future. Continue to Step 2 at some point in the future. The amount of time to wait depends on your business processes and on how often you expect the operation to return new results.
If the MoreResultsAvailable response element returns true, there are more response elements to return now. Continue to Step 2.
If the MoreResultsAvailable response element returns false, there are no more response elements currently available. However, more results might be available in the future. Continue to Step 3 at some point in the future. The amount of time to wait depends on your business processes and on how often you expect the operation to return new results.
If the MoreResultsAvailable response element returns true, there are more response elements to return now. Continue to Step 3.
If the NextToken response element is not returned, there are no more response elements to return. Task is complete.
If the NextToken response element is returned, there are more response elements to return. Continue to Step 2.
If the NextToken response element is not returned, there are no more response elements to return. Task is complete.
If the NextToken response element is returned, there are more response elements to return. Continue to Step 3.
If you ever submit a NextToken to a "ByNextToken" operation and the service returns a NextTokenCorrupted error, do not attempt to repeat the call with the same NextToken. Instead, call the operation that originally created the NextToken to get a new NextToken.
For example, if you call the ListOrdersByNextToken operation and you receive a NextTokenCorrupted error, call the ListOrders operation to generate a new NextToken. You can then pass this new NextToken to the ListOrdersByNextToken operation.