Amazon Services
Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) Documentation

Deprecation Notice:

Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS) will no longer be available after March 31, 2024. All MWS developers must migrate to Selling Partner API (SP-API) to avoid service disruptions. Refer to the Migration Hub for more information.

Amazon MWS Documentation

Error codes

The following table describes the various error codes that the Fulfillment Inbound Shipment API section can return. For descriptions of error codes that are common to all Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) API sections, see Error Messages in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide.

Error code HTTP status code Description
AmazonContractNotSigned 400 Seller has not accepted Amazon’s Partnered Carrier Program terms and conditions. Seller should accept Amazon’s Partnered Carrier Program terms and conditions on Seller Central.
AmazonPrepNotSupported InDestinationFulfillmentCenter 400 The destination fulfillment center cannot perform the specified PrepInstruction.
AmazonPrepNotSupported 400 Amazon cannot find a fulfillment center to prepare the items for shipment to the destination country.
CannotConfirmTransportContent 400 The Amazon-partnered shipment request is ineligible for confirmation. Check if the shipment is already confirmed.
CannotEstimateTransportContent 400 The Amazon-partnered shipment request is ineligible for estimation. Ensure that the ShipFrom address is in a marketplace that is eligible for Amazon's Partnered Carrier Program.
CannotReducePreorderedItemQuantity 400 Quantity cannot be reduced for items with release dates on or after the confirmed fulfillable date for the shipment. Pre-orders are only available in India and Japan.
CannotRemovePreorderedItem 400 Items with release dates on or after the confirmed fulfillable date for the shipment cannot be removed. For more information about pre-orders, see the Seller Central Help (IN) (JP). Pre-orders are only available in India and Japan.
CannotVoidTransportContent 400 The Amazon-partnered shipment request can no longer be voided.
CarrierContractNotSigned 400 Seller has not accepted the carrier’s terms and conditions. Seller should accept the carrier’s existing or revised terms and conditions on Seller Central.
CarrierInvalidForMarketplace 400 The specified carrier is not supported in the marketplace where the inbound shipment originates.
IncompatiblePrepOwner 400 The shipment cannot mix different PrepOwners for the same PrepInstruction.
InconsistentPrepDetails 400 The call to CreateInboundShipment uses different preparation instructions or owners from the plan submitted to CreateInboundShipmentPlan
IncorrectPackageIdentifier 400 The specified PackageLabelsToPrint values do not match the CartonId values that you previously passed using the FBA Inbound Shipment Carton Information Feed. For more information about creating inbound shipments, see Shipping inventory to Amazon's fulfillment network.
IncorrectPrepInstruction 400 The specified SKU had a valid PrepInstruction that is not correct for that SKU. Call GetPrepInstructionsForSKU for the correct preparation instructions.
InvalidBoxContentSource 400 The IntendedBoxContentSource must be one of the IntendedBoxContentsSource values.
InvalidCountrySubdivisionCode 400 The specified ShipToCountrySubdivisionCode is invalid. Ensure that the ShipToCountrySubdivisionCode value is for a country subdivision that contains an Amazon fulfillment center that the seller is registered with.
InvalidParameterValue 400 The size of the request has exceeded the maximum size.
  • Under 64 KiB (216, or 65,536 bytes) for a request without body parameters
  • Under 2 GiB (231, or 2,147,483,648 bytes) for a request a with body parameters
Maximum request size was exceeded.
InvalidPrepInstruction 400 The specified SKU had an invalid PrepInstruction.
InvalidPrepOwner 400 The specified SKU had an invalid PrepOwner in the PrepDetails.
InvalidNeedByDate 400 The specified NeedByDate value did not match the date returned by a previous call to the GetPreorderInfo operation for this shipment. Pre-orders are only available in India and Japan.
InvalidOperation 400 The shipment specified with a call to the GetPalletLabels operation is not a Less Than Truckload/Full Truckload (LTL/FTL) shipment. Specify an LTL/FTL shipment.
MaxSizeReached 400 The maximum number of package labels that the PDF can support has been exceeded. Retry the GetUniquePackageLabels operation, specifying fewer PackageLabelsToPrint values.
MissingCarrierType 400 No CarrierName value was specified. Specify a valid CarrierName value.
MissingPrepDetails 400 A shipment must contain item-level preparation instructions for each SKU, or no preparation instructions at all.
NoPackageContentInformation 400 No package content information was found for the specified ShipmentId value. Submit the FBA Inbound Shipment Carton Information Feed before calling the GetUniquePackageLabels operation. For more information about creating inbound shipments, see Shipping inventory to Amazon's fulfillment network.
NoPackagesOrPallets 400 No package information (for Small Parcel shipments) or pallet information (for Less Than Truckload/Full Truckload (LTL/FTL) shipments) was specified. Specify this information using either the PackageList or the PalletList parameter of the PutTransportContent operation.
PackageContentFeedNotComplete 400 FBA Inbound Shipment Carton Information Feed that you previously submitted for this shipment has not yet been processed. Retry after the feed has been processed. For more information about creating inbound shipments, see Shipping inventory to Amazon's fulfillment network.
PreorderNotSupported 400 The seller has not enrolled in the Pre-order program. For more information about the Pre-order program, see the Seller Central Help (IN) (JP). Pre-orders are only available in India and Japan.
TransportContentNotFound 400 No Amazon-partnered shipment was associated with the specified ShipmentId value. Specify a ShipmentId value that is associated with an Amazon-partnered shipment.
UnknownCarrierType 400 No carrier was found that matched the specified CarrierName value. Specify a valid CarrierName value.
UnknownShipmentId 400 No shipment was found that matched the specified ShipmentId value. Specify a ShipmentId value that was returned with a call to the CreateInboundShipmentPlan operation.
UnsupportedOption 400 2D_BARCODE can only be used for IntendedBoxContentSource if you have enrolled in the 2D Barcode program. For more information on the 2D Barcode program, see Using 2D barcodes for box content information on Seller Central.