Amazon Services
Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) Documentation

Deprecation Notice:

Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS) will no longer be available after March 31, 2024. All MWS developers must migrate to Selling Partner API (SP-API) to avoid service disruptions. Refer to the Migration Hub for more information.

Amazon MWS Documentation

Creating a Canonicalized Query String

To create an Amazon MWS query request, you first construct a query string with the query information. You then sign this query string and include it in the request submission. All parameters must be in natural-byte order when calculating the signature. The string consists of:

  • The HTTP action. This value is most often POST.
  • The domain name of the request, such as For a list of endpoints for each Amazon marketplace, see the Amazon MWS Endpoints section in this guide. After the endpoint is a forward slash (/), which separates the endpoint from the parameters.
  • AWSAccessKeyId — Your Amazon MWS account is identified by your access key Id, which Amazon MWS uses to look up your Secret Access Key.
  • Action — The action you want to perform on the endpoint, such as the operation GetFeedSubmissionResult.
  • Parameters — Any required and optional request parameters.
  • MWSAuthToken — Represents the authorization of a specific developer of a web application by a specific Amazon seller.
  • MarketplaceIdList — An optional structured list of marketplace Ids for supporting sellers registered in multiple marketplaces. For example, two marketplace Ids would be formatted as: &MarketplaceIdList.Id.1=ATVPDKIKX0DER&MarketplaceIdList.Id.2=A1F83G8C2ARO7P. Note that the MarketplaceIdList parameter is not used in the Japan marketplace..
  • SellerId or Merchant — Your seller or merchant identifier.
  • SignatureMethod — The HMAC hash algorithm you are using to calculate your signature. Both HmacSHA256 and HmacSHA1 are supported hash algorithms, but Amazon recommends using HmacSHA256.
  • SignatureVersion — Which signature version is being used. This is Amazon MWS-specific information that tells Amazon MWS the algorithm you used to form the string that is the basis of the signature. For Amazon MWS, this value is currently SignatureVersion=2.
  • Timestamp — Each request must contain the timestamp of the request. Depending on the API function you're using, you can provide an expiration date and time for the request instead of the timestamp.
  • Version — The version of the API section being called.

To create the query string to be signed, do the following:

  1. Sort the UTF-8 query string components by parameter name with natural byte ordering. The parameters can come from the GET URI or from the POST body (when Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded).
  2. URL encode the parameter name and values according to the following rules:
    • Do not URL encode any of the unreserved characters that RFC 3986 defines. These unreserved characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphen ( - ), underscore ( _ ), period ( . ), and tilde ( ~ ).
    • Percent encode all other characters with %XY, where X and Y are hex characters 0-9 and uppercase A-F.
    • Percent encode extended UTF-8 characters in the form %XY%ZA....
    • Percent encode the space character as %20. Do not percent encode the space character as +, as some common encoding schemes do.
  3. Separate the encoded parameter names from their encoded values with the equals sign ( = ) (ASCII character 61), even if the parameter value is empty.
  4. Separate the name-value pairs with an ampersand ( & ) (ASCII code 38).
  5. Create the string to sign according to the following pseudo-grammar (the "\n" represents an ASCII newline).
    StringToSign = HTTPVerb + "\n" +
      ValueOfHostHeaderInLowercase + "\n" +
      HTTPRequestURI + "\n" +
      CanonicalizedQueryString <from the preceding step>

    The HTTPRequestURI component is the HTTP absolute path component of the URI up to, but not including, the query string. If the HTTPRequestURI is empty, use a forward slash ( / ).

The following example shows a query string for a GetFeedSubmissionResult request. Note that there are no spaces or line breaks in the sorted parameter string.


This is the string that you sign and then include in your query request. The steps that show how to sign the query request string are in the section "Signing the query request."