Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS) will no longer be available after March 31, 2024. All MWS developers must migrate to Selling Partner API (SP-API) to avoid service disruptions. Refer to the Migration Hub for more information.
Name | Description | Required | Valid values |
AWSAccessKeyId | Your Amazon MWS account is identified by your access key Id, which Amazon MWS uses to look up your Secret Access Key. | Yes | The AWSAccessKeyId that you received when you registered
for Amazon MWS. Type: xs:string |
Action | The action you want to perform on the endpoint, such as the operation GetFeedSubmissionResult. | Yes | Any valid action for the endpoint you are calling. Type: xs:string |
MWSAuthToken | Represents the authorization of a specific developer by a specific Amazon seller. | For web applications and third-party developer authorizations only. | The authorization token that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS. Type: xs:string |
SellerId or Merchant | The seller identifier. In Seller Central this is called the Merchant Token. The seller can find this in Seller Central by going to Settings > Account Info > Your Merchant Token. | Yes | The seller identifier that the seller used when they authorized you to make
calls to Amazon MWS on their behalf. Type: xs:string |
Signature | Part of the authentication process that is used for identifying and verifying who is sending a request. | Yes | For more information on how to calculate the signature, see Using the Amazon MWS client libraries. Type: xs:string |
SignatureMethod | The HMAC hash algorithm you are using to calculate your signature. Both HmacSHA256 and HmacSHA1 are supported hash algorithms, but Amazon recommends using HmacSHA256. | Yes | SignatureMethod values:
Type: xs:string |
SignatureVersion | Which signature version is being used. This is Amazon MWS-specific information that tells Amazon MWS the algorithm you used to form the string that is the basis of the signature. | Yes | SignatureVersion values:
Type: xs:string |
Timestamp | Each request must contain the timestamp of the request. Depending on the API operation you are using, you can provide an expiration date and time for the request instead of the timestamp. In ISO 8601 date time format. | Yes | The current date and time or the expiration date and time for the request in
ISO 8601 date time format. Type: xs:dateTime |
Version | The version of the API section being called. | Yes | The version of the API section being called. Type: xs:string | ?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAEXAMPLEFWR4TJ7ZQ &Action=ListCustomers &DateRangeEnd=2014-04-30T00%3A06%3A07.000Z &DateRangeStart=2014-04-01T00%3A06%3A07.000Z &DateRangeType=AssociatedDate &MWSAuthToken=amzn.mws.4ea38b7b-f563-7709-4bae-87aeaEXAMPLE &MarketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER &SellerId=A1IMEXAMPLEWRC &Signature=FUbIEXAMPLETUGtTS6sqNDt3OuLH8tbhz5YEXAMPLEw%3D &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &SignatureVersion=2 &Timestamp=2014-04-01T21%3A53%3A02Z &Version=2014-03-01
POST /Feeds/2009-01-01 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded Host: User-Agent: <Your User Agent Header> AWSAccessKeyId=0PExampleR2 &Action=CancelFeedSubmissions &FeedSubmissionIdList.Id.1=1058369303 &FeedTypeList.Type.1=_POST_PRODUCT_DATA_ &FeedTypeList.Type.2=_POST_PRODUCT_PRICING_DATA_ &MWSAuthToken=amzn.mws.4ea38b7b-f563-7709-4bae-87aeaEXAMPLE &Marketplace=ATExampleER &SellerId=A1ExampleE6 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &SignatureVersion=2 &Timestamp=2009-02-04T17%3A34%3A14.203Z &Version=2009-01-01 &Signature=0RExample0%3D